To provide information to our members in a more convenient and accessible format, we have created this Record-keeping Resource page with helpful links, formulas and references.
As always, for assistance, please call our Safety Department staff at 206.284.0061.
Record-keeping forms can be found here.
OSHA record-keeping FAQ here.
The OSHA Decision Tree
OSHA Hearing-Loss Decision Tree -- click here.
OSHA Letters of Interpretation -- click here.
Bureau of Labor Statistics (to compare with national averages) -- click here.
Washington State Statistics (to compare against state averages) -- click here.
Safety-rate formula calculations
Total Recordable-Incident Rate
Total number of recordables X 200,000, then divided by total worker hours.
Time-Loss Incident Rate
Total number of time-loss cases X 200,000, then divided by total worker hours.
Severity Rate
Total number of time-loss DAYS X 200,000, then divided by the total worker hours.
DART (Days Away, Restricted or Transfer)
Total number of days away, restriction or transfer X 200,000, then divided by total worker hours.
OSHA reporting-requirements diagram