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Max Kuney calls for highway trust-fund fix


Senate Environment and Public Works Committee chairman John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) invited AGC to participate in a July 10 hearing to kickoff consideration of legislation to reauthorize the federal highway and transit programs under the FAST Act before it expires September 30, 2020.

Sen. Barrasso stated his intention for the committee to take the lead in the reauthorization effort and report out a bill before the congressional summer recess in hopes of avoiding the need for any short-term extensions.

AGC's Highway and Transportation division chair Max Kuney, of Spokane, expressed during his testimony the importance of completing a highway bill on time and informed lawmakers of the disruption that can be caused to state highway construction programs and contractors when there is uncertainty about federal funding. Kuney also noted that Congress must provide the revenue necessary to keep the Highway Trust Fund from becoming insolvent and expressed AGC's support alongside "our many partners in the business community and organized labor" in calling for a motor fuels tax increase.