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AGC of America re-launches voter-information resource

The construction industry and the millions of workers it employs have much at stake in upcoming elections across the country. At a time when the industry is rebounding from the longest and deepest slump of any sector it is especially important to elect leaders willing to work for common-sense solutions to the challenges facing the construction industry and its workforce.

AGC of America is proud to re-launch in preparation for election day on November 4. This website is designed to give our members and their employees the necessary resources for them to make it to the polls and cast an informed vote. It includes information about voter registration absentee ballots and early voting. Also included are tools to help members locate and contact their elected officials.

Our belief is that when the employees of our member companies vote the voices of the business community and construction industry are heard both loudly and clearly. Between now and November 4 you have an opportunity to cast your vote in the primary and general elections taking place in Washington. You will be joined by voters all across this country who will help elect 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives 36 members of the U.S. Senate 36 governors and countless local and state officials. A small margin of votes may decide an election so it is important that those who are eligible to vote do so. Don’t be silent be a part of our democracy and make your voice heard.

Visit today and be better informed!