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Bill that reduces L&I claims processing times passes Senate

AGC is supporting legislation SB 5112 to allow Retro plans to schedule independent medical examinations (IMEs) and vocational rehabilitation assessments facilitating faster processing of claims.


“Labor and Industries’ caseloads are triple the industry standard” testified AGC Group Retro Director Lauren Gubbe before the House Labor and Workforce Development Committee (pictured at right). 

“This bill will provide L&I more time to work claims by using qualified Retro professionals who are already working with the employers and injured workers to merely schedule vocational referrals and IMEs.”

Gubbe explained that workers and employers alike benefit from the bill through lower future insurance rates. “This is a win for L&I employers and workers due to better rates down the road from expediting benefits reducing unnecessary costs and delays and improving L&I service.”

The bill passed the State Senate by a vote of 26-22 on Feb. 17. It is expected to have a more difficult time passing the House.

For more information please contact Lauren Gubbe at 360.352.1632 or 888.227.3876.