Enjoy Membership Benefits - AGC Health Plan
The AGC Health Plan for Washington State offers a unique selection of plan and coverage choices at competitive prices to meet the varying needs of members.
Joining this plan can benefit you by providing…
- a variety of health plan designs including HSA-approved high deductible plans
- access to an extensive network of providers and hospitals
- prescription drug benefits including mail-order pharmacy
- preventive care and wellness programs
- 24-hour medical advice line
- options include dental orthodontia vision and flexible benefit (Section 125) plan administration
- COBRA administration at no additional cost
- convenient premium payment by electronic funds transfer
- dollar bank can provide employees continued coverage during low points in the construction cycle
- one stop call center
- and an exclusive local agent network provides direct support for AGC members.
For a free quote or more detailed information on the health plan please call the AGC Health Plan Service Center at 866-298-8262.